The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) is a non-profit, member organization that develops voluntary global safety standards for the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of recreational boats.
SAMS® is a non-profit organization; and is intended to be an organization of Professional Marine Surveyors who have come together to promote the good image and general well being of their chosen profession.
Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons is a non-profit organization and the foremost educational boating authority in Canada .
Ontario Sailing is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization committed to the promotion and development of all aspects of boating and sailing. Ontario Sailing consists of over 200 member clubs, sailing schools, camps & affiliates who represent over 10,000 member families and service over 100,000 boaters.
I am not usually quick to endorse particular products or suppliers...but if you are looking for cathodic protection for your boat and are having trouble looking for the right anode, this is a good source. (There may be others and this is not an endorsement - just trying to be helpful)